Hear what some of the people we help have to say about Speakeasy

Billy developed aphasia after his stroke. He was given eight weeks of speech and language therapy, but when that ended he felt empty and lonely – as if life happening around him. Six years down the line, Billy reconnected with speech and language therapy services and was told about Speakeasy. From day one with us, Billy found the support he needed to live more successfully with aphasia. His communication has improved, his confidence is growing and now he is busy getting out and about, helping other people, sharing his skills and using his talents.

Billy developed aphasia after his stroke

Seth developed aphasia after sustaining brain damage during an operation. It became hard for him to engage with life, to share his skills and to interact with his partner and young family. At Speakeasy, our staff and
volunteers are able to provide the support and structure he needs to join in and to take a more active role in life around him. His humour and personality have emerged and in debates and discussions he is able to make his preferences felt. Seth is also involved in delivering our
training, skilfully sharing his insights both of living with aphasia and from his previous job as a teacher.

Former teacher Seth, who brings insights on living with aphasia into our training

Julie developed aphasia after her stroke in
2015, aged just 50. It left her feeling frustrated
and isolated. When she first came to Speakeasy, she was quiet; ‘people scared me’, she says. Now Julie is one of our liveliest members: ‘Speakeasy… brilliant… brilliant’, she says. The confidence and skills she has developed have enabled her to do so much more in her life. ‘Speech… better… [thumbs up]. I wish I could take you home.’

Julie developed aphasia after
her stroke
You can also see some of the videos that our members have made: