During our online drop-in last week we asked the questions “What helps people with aphasia to have better conversations?” “What do you need people to know?”
Read more: During our online drop-in last week we asked the questions “What helps people with aphasia to have better conversations?” “What do you need people to know?”This led to some good discussion. Not finishing off sentences was an important one. “People who complete your sentences…it’s frustrating…stops you from completing your own thoughts…unwelcome” “Always finish my sentence off…wrong wrong.” What do you think? Can you send us your ideas so we can share them with others.
We enjoyed a singing workshop at our aphasia group in Ramsbottom this week
Read more: We enjoyed a singing workshop at our aphasia group in Ramsbottom this weekDid you know that music and singing can help to make new pathways in your brain. This can help you to re-learn and practice skills like talking, walking and moving. It can also help to improve wellbeing and mood Interestingly, people with aphasia can sometimes sing familiar songs using words they can’t say. Music is…
Wheels for All meeting All’ cycling session in Clarence Park, Bury. Booking essential. Monday March 24th 10:30 am
Read more: Wheels for All meeting All’ cycling session in Clarence Park, Bury. Booking essential. Monday March 24th 10:30 am