Have you skills which could help us?
Volunteers are vital to Speakeasy and are a highly valued part of the organisations. Could you help in any way?
Much of our work at Speakeasy involves developing new specialist skills for supporting people with aphasia. We invest a lot of time and energy into training and supporting volunteers not just at the start but ongoing throughout their time with us. It makes sense then that we are looking for volunteers who can offer a long term commitment to us.
We usually start our conversation with new volunteers with a general discussion about what they are looking for and what we can offer to check that the two match up. Sometimes potential volunteers come for a few weeks to see if we are a good fit. Jo Jenner is responsible for Speakeasy volunteers so she would be the first point of contact. All of our volunteers are given a handbook as part of their induction, and they receive training and regular supervision.
Occasionally there are opportunities for other volunteer opportunities such as help with a fundraising or awareness raising event, driving members, office administration or for accompanying on trips out. Some activities happen online and some in places other than Ramsbottom.
Examples of the activities that our volunteers perform:
- collect people to drive them into speakeasy
- assist with individual computer work
- support the work in a course
- assist with working towards individual targets
- use your personal skills to facilitate a project on a topic of interest
- support people to have conversations
- help with fundraising
- office administration
If you are interested, get in touch so we can get the ball rolling.