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The Speakeasy web site may sometimes need to send emails, e.g. if someone completes the form to order some of the Aphasia-friendly images. The default email mechanism used by the site can result in delivery problems. This document describes how to configure an alternative email provider, by connecting the web site to a Gmail account.


Speakeasy use WordPress to produce their website content. The login details are available in BitWarden.
Unfortunately, the basic email configuration used by WordPress can lead to emails being treated as junk, which is somewhat inconvenient. To avoid this, WordPress supports the installation of additional plugins that gives greater flexibility over the email configuration process. Speakeasy have chosen to use the “WP Mail SMTP” plugin. This can be configured to connect to a Gmail account, so that any emails sent from the web site are sent via that account. A new gmail account was created, specifically for his purpose. The account is: Login credentials are stored in Bitwarden.
To configure the WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin, the instructions from the following web page were used: WP Mail Gmail Setup