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This script creates empty timesheet entries each month for each member of Speakeasy staff. The staff member can populate the timesheet with details of time booked to projects, and/or any associated expenses, before submitting it for review and approval at the end of the month.

Where to Find It

Name of runbook: CreateMonthlyTimesheetEntries
The script can be viewed and edited via the following link: CreateMonthlyTimesheetEntries. The script is hosted in the cloud, using Microsoft Azure, because it is run on a scheduled basis.  See the following document (advanced users only!!) regarding how the script was initially created in the Azure environment: Creating a PowerShell script in Azure
This script is scheduled to run using a schedule which can be viewed via the following link: MonthlyTimesheetEntrySchedule. The schedule runs monthly, near to the start of the month. The script generates a log file which can be checked for errors. This can be seen here: CreateMonthlyTimesheetEntries log files

How it Works

The script retrieves a list of staff members (contactType=”Staff”) from the “Speakeasy Staff and Volunteers” SharePoint list. For each member, it then fetches their associated Speakeasy email address from Microsoft Exchange, using their name to look this up. The script then creates a new entry in the “Timesheets” sharepoint list and emails the user.
Timesheets calculate project costs using an hourly rate. When the new timesheet entry is created, the hourly rate for the associated staff member is copied from the “Speakeasy Staff and Volunteers” SharePoint list (the “ProjectCurrentHourlyRate” column) to the Timesheets list (“StaffProjectHourlyRate” column). The value in the “Timesheets” list is represents the hourly rate at the time of the timesheet being created – hourly rates can change with time, so the ProjectCurrentHourlyRate in the “Speakeasy Staff and Volunteers” SharePoint list can change without affecting older timesheets.