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This document describes various electronic forms that have been designed to capture data. They usually work in combination with some automation, so that when the form is complete and submitted, it automatically populates data in lists. See Microsoft Power Automate Flows used by Speakeasy for more information on this automation.
To access these flows login using an appropriate administration account and navigate to:

Form Descriptions

Speakeasy Referral Form

This form replaces a Word document that was used to capture information regarding new PWA referrals. A link to the form is available from the Speakeasy website via the “Make a referral” link. The form can be completed by a PWA a carer or by a healthcare professional. The form works in tandem with the Microsoft Flow called “Membership referral and notificationso that the Speakeasy membership list (implemented as a Sharepoint list) is populated with a new list entry.
The form can also be emailed to prospective PWAs to gather their details. A draft email, containing a link to the form,  can easily be generated via the “Speakeasy Admin Phone App“.

New Staff/Volunteer/Trustee/Student Contact Details

This form gathers contact and emergency details for a new staff member/volunteer/trustee/student and works in combination with the Microsoft Flow Register staff or volunteer contact details to automatically populate a Speakeasy contact list. The list also holds details of the DBS status of each contact.

The form can be emailed to prospective staff/volunteers/students to gather their contact and emergency contact details. A draft email, containing a link to the form,  can easily be generated via the “Speakeasy Admin Phone App“.

Trustees Executive Summary Report Creator

This is a form which prompts a user – typically the Speakeasy Chief executive or staff member – for a red-amber-green (RAG) summary of the various operational aspects of Speakeasy. The form works in combination with the Microsoft Flow Trustee Traffic Light Report Submission to create a file containing the form responses. These responses in this file are subsequently included in a more complete Trustees report, which will also contain membership and financial data. See:

Speakeasy Report Generation

Aphasia Forum: Member Registration Form

This is form which relates to the Aphasia Forum team. The form submissions are transferred to a Sharepoint list using a Power Automate flow to create a contact of type “Member” . It is described in the following guide: Aphasia Forum Overview.

Aphasia Forum: Facilitator Registration Form

This is form which relates to the Aphasia Forum team. The form submissions are transferred to a Sharepoint list using a Power Automate flow to create a contact of type “Facilitator” . It is described in the following guide: Aphasia Forum Overview.