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This script downloads  all member, staff or volunteer photos which were uploaded via the contacts app  to Sharepoint lists, then copies them to two specific folders, one form member photos and the other for staff/volunteer photos. Having the photos in one place makes it easy for other staff to use them when preparing presentations.

Where to Find It

Name of runbook: SavePhotosFromContactListsToFolder
All Azure runbook scripts can be viewed via the following link: Azure RunBooks Home, then selecting the appropriate runbook name. The script is hosted in the cloud, using Microsoft Azure, because it is run on a scheduled basis.  See the following document (advanced users only!!) regarding how the script was initially created in the Azure environment: Creating a PowerShell script in Azure
This script is scheduled to run using a schedule – having selected the relevant script, click the see the “Schedules” link on the left hand side of the view. At the time of writing, the schedule runs once per week. The script generates a log file which can be checked for errors.

How it Works

The script reads the “Speakeasy Membership List” and  the “Speakeasy Staff and Volunteer Contact List” Timesheets” and locates any thumbnail image (stored as a .jpg) or photo (stored as a Base64 encoded byte stream). It reads the data, then saves it as an image to a temporary folder (%TEMP%).  This file is then copied to one of the following locations (and the temporary file is deleted):
  • Contact Details and Activity\HeadshotPhotos\Members
  • Contact Details and Activity\HeadshotPhotos\Staff and Volunteers
    The above folders are available to users with access to the Micrsoft Team called “Contact Details and Activity”.