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This document describes various Microsoft Power Apps applications that have been designed for use at Speakeasy. Typically, Power Apps can be seen by accessing the following link: Speakeasy Power Apps. In most cases, links to these apps have been provided from tabs within Microsoft Teams


Speakeasy Contacts App

See: How to use the Speakeasy Contacts App (PC version)

Speakeasy Contacts Phone App

See: How to use the Speakeasy Contacts Phone App

Speakeasy Admin Phone App

See: How to use the Speakeasy Admin App

Speakeasy Groups and Meetings

See: How to use the Speakeasy Groups and Meetings App


See: How to use the Speakeasy Timesheets App

Asset Manager Phone App

See: How to Use the Asset Manager App

Aphasia Forum Contacts App

See the Apps section in the following guide: Aphasia Forum Overview